E-education platform
In anticipation of the 102nd anniversary of the University of Latvia (UL), the UL Foundation has launched a campaign, inviting graduates and friends to invest in the future and higher education of Latvia – to donate to the excellence scholarship “Bread for the Journey” – Ceļamaize. The scholarship provides an opportunity for a purposeful young person to successfully begin undergraduate studies and attain a bachelor's degree.
More info: https://ziedot.lu.lv/en/kampana/collection-of-donations-for-the-scholarship-bread-for-the-journey-celamaize/
The University of Latvia has taken the 201st–300th place in “Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2021” and is ranked amongst the world's TOP 200 universities according to three Sustainable Development Goals.
Bija patīkami pildīt. Olimpiādes uzdevumi bija sagatavoti skaidri un precīzi. Pēc olimpiādes uzdevumu izpildes bija sajūta, ka patiesība esmu ko ieguvusi, nevis tikai pārbaudījusi jau esošās zināšanas.
Tiešsaistē uzdevumus pildīt ir ērti, var viegli izlabot iepriekš saglabātās atbildes, pārskatāma un viegli uztverama uzdevumu lapas uzbūve.
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