Sure Signs a Man is Crazy About You

Men are pretty straightforward in relationships while dating online. And despite what women want to believe to suit their egos and agendas, it’s a rare phenomenon that you ever have to read between the lines to know the truth about men.

There are usually no in-betweens either. Through the course of any given relationship men are found to be running along the lines of icy, lukewarm, scalding or “I know I’m never going to come back from this alive and that’s great because I don’t want to.”

They are dying to be crazy about you as much as you are dying for them to be crazy about you. To be that rare find in a woman a man goes completely nuts over requires confidence and a delicate poise, and that’s a whole other subject entirely.

But for now let us discuss how men act when they arrive at Crazyville. And if he’s going to be crazy about you, like he should be, he might as well act like it, right? There’s no mistaking that when he is, he just won’t be able to contain himself.

So how do you know if that guy you’re with is eager to bungee without a cord off the Golden Gate for you?

He tries to make you insanely jealous, because that’s precisely what he is

They say, “Jealousy is the sister of true love.”

On the surface, he may be as cool as grandma’s legendary jello salad but underneath, there’s molten lava churning inside him every time he even dreadfully imagines he’s not the only man in your life. And it makes him absolutely insane.

And wouldn’t you know it, pretty soon he’s doing what jealous men do- he starts flirting with other women. He starts flaunting that he is “interested” in other women and lots of other women are interested in him.

He starts being vindictive and passive aggressive- not taking your calls, ignores your texts and acts like you no longer exist. You suddenly mean zilch to him simply because he saw another man showing interest in you, or vice versa. Good luck in getting him to admit it though, even though it’s so obvious.

He’s ON IT. Not in 16 hrs, two days or sometime next week. He’s on it right now

If he’s not jealous, butt hurt and sulking somewhere under a bridge because of all the dudes throwing themselves at you, you’ll never have to wait for a text, call, or for any confirmation he wants to devote his time to you.

And in the off-chance you do find yourself having to wait on him for any reason, he will give you a reason. He will apologize and he will be accountable to you for the time he’s missed being with you.

Not because you think he owes you an explanation but because he feels you deserve one. Yes, he thinks that much of you that he knows your time is valuable and important and he doesn’t want to take you for granted.

He’ll fight it, even though you both know the truth

He doesn’t want you to know you pull all the strings, at the same time it is impossible for him to think of having it any other way. Thus he continues to let you handle everything while trying to make you believe that you don’t.

Or he’ll simply deny it because he can’t bring himself to surrender to you. He can’t live with knowing you yield all the power in the relationship and he becomes distant out of necessity. He runs away. He disappears. He wants you to chase him and if and when you do, he’ll throw in a little tit for tat and make you look like the benevolent fool.

Rest-assured, if you’re paying close attention like you should be if you actually know what the hell you’re doing, you’d know exactly what he’s doing and you’d know instantly it isn’t going to work. He’ll be back to calling, texting and showing up at your door all hours of the night in no time- especially when he sees that you refuse to let him and his ego battles get the best of you.

He’ll admit it, to you and the world

If he’s not fighting it tooth and nail, he’s taking it all in. He’s submersing himself in your relationship and he makes no errors or miscalculations as to how he thinks you should be receiving his affections.

He will tell you what you mean to him, along with his friends, family and total strangers. He’ll have his arm around you with his hand tucked inside the back pocket of your jeans grabbing your luscious cakes declaring, “She’s all mine. And I’m the luckiest guy on the planet.”

He’ll tell you and he won’t wince at any opportunity to say it. You’re that special to him and he wants you and everyone else who will listen to his nauseating romantic drivel to know it. He dotes on you because you mean more to him than you’ll ever know.

He’ll do anything you want (that is reasonable)

Don’t expect to treat a guy like a pile and expect him to fall at your feet. I’ve been hearing a lot of horse crap from a lot of women who claim to be able finesse a man by way of transparent inexperienced adolescent bullshit and they really don’t have a damn clue.

You can get a man to do whatever you want so long as you make him feel good while he’s doing it. Through sweetness, charm, femininity, nurturing, (yes feminazis I said nurturing), being gracious and respectable, he’ll gladly open his wallet, spring for dinner and drinks, fix your water heater and lavish you with affection. And show you that whatever you desire in an effort to please you has no constraints.

However, he isn’t going to give you anything if you are a grotesque emasculating bitch. Especially a self-centered greedy one. And by God, if he DOES do these things, learn how to be gracious and thank him otherwise you can bet he’s never going to do anything for you again. And rightly so because a pig like that isn’t deserving of it.

Men give women gifts and tokens of affection from the bottom of their hearts. He does these things for you because he loves you and he cherishes the time you spend together and the way you make him feel. Period. No need to search for or rationalize underlying motives unless yours aren’t forthright the same.


A lot of naysayers would discount the aforementioned information as “he’s just not that into you” or “this guy sounds like an immature asshat”. I would retroactively discount that those naysayers haven’t got what it takes to make a man balls out crazy in love because it’s an attribute that unfortunately, few women possess.

Because women truly don’t know nor appreciate the power they have as women- and it is to their own disadvantage and detriment.

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